Sunday, May 2, 2010

Final PLN Post

2nd PLN Post

Well, here I am at the end of the semester and I managed to accumulate a nice PLN. The list of people I follow on Twitter has gone up, and I am now following almost 50 educators including Jabiz Raisdana, Paula White, Kelly Hines, and Scott McLeod. My Delicious account grew exponentially over the course of the second half of the semester. I bookmarked basically every site we visited for this class and am now sharing the information on the world wide web. ITunes U has become an interesting source for me to get information, and since our group podcast assignments are up, I have a podcast that is out there for all to listen to. Comment 4 Teachers was definitely a nice addition to my PLN because it allowed me the chance to communicate with actual educators who are out there with real classes. It was nice to get their feedback and input about topics.

All in all, it is very nice to have a PLN. It feels good to start getting out there and connecting with other people who are in the same field as me. I am excited about the chance it affords for me to share information. I hope my PLN will continue to grow and improve over time as I am able to meet and collaborate with other teachers. I feel that I am lucky to have been exposed to PLN's in EDM 310, because I feel that they are part of the way education will work in the future. It's exciting to be thinking on the cutting edge, and looking for approaches to teaching that are innovative.

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