Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 14: A Look at Technology in English Classrooms

Technology in the English Classroom

Since we've been given a little room to create our own topic this week in the blogosphere, I decided to examine some material about my field: Secondary English Language Arts. This video was interesting to me for two reasons: 1. It was by someone who is in the same field, and 2. It dealt with an actual approach to curriculum that involves technology. The video outlined an assignment that calls for students to write their own blog from the perspective of a character of their choosing from relevant class material. In the case of the example blog, "soda pop" from the classic The Outsiders was used. The video also suggests that students can use any variety of literature that they or the teacher wants.

I am excited about the potential possibilities that blogging may have on my classroom. Again, I feel like I can't say it enough, teaching in this field is completely dependent on student engagement, and I am all for anything that can keep their attention. Blogging, at least for now, seems like something worth experimenting with. I don't necessarily think it will be a "cure-all" for the engagement issue, but kids today are definitely fascinated with technology. I think a key to the blogging assignments is having students actually get feedback for their work. If this is accomplished, it seems like the sky is the limit. I was hesitant about their utility for a while, but I have slowly been becoming a bigger fan of them. They seem fresh. What do all of you think out there? Would you have appreciated having a blog assignment when you were in middle/high school?

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